Fire Agate
Is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Facilitates spiritual advancement and progression. Promotes and enhances all types of energetic practices, including meditation, ritual, and healing work. Strengthens the circulatory system, lymph system, and intestines.
Fire Opal
Works with energies of flow and movement, represents the evolution of consciousness, and balances masculine and feminine polarities. Stimulates the strongest emotions and creativity. Is wonderful for people who tend to be passive, helping them to learn how to say no, and establish appropriate boundaries and limits.
Flower Agate
Is a recently discovered style of agate that contains opaque inclusions of Chalcedony that resemble flowers. Has a beautiful, translucent quality and a calm, peaceful energy that is very comforting and restorative. Is very effective at grounding and dissipating internal stress. Gazing into flower agate helps thoughts flow harmoniously, and increases awareness of the beauty of nature and appreciation of life on earth.
Rainbow Fluorite
Helps to ground excessive energy, particularly mental, emotional and nervous energy, and is a powerful healer, that affects all the chakras as well as mental attitudes. Is excellent for use in cleansing the aura. Exhibits 3 distinct color rays, violet, green and blue, and helps on three levels; spiritual, emotional, and mental. Whatever your issues are, it will help you to become mentally aware, and prepared to work through the processes necessary for complete healing.
Helps one to be firmly grounded and present in the physical body, and act with love and strength. Gives courage, and facilitates letting go of unhelpful mental attitudes and conditioning. Is excellent for treating all illnesses and conditions involving the blood.
Green Fluorite
Fluorite helps to ground excessive energy, particularly mental, emotional and nervous energy.A powerful healer, it affects all the chakras as well as mental attitudes, and is excellent to use in cleansing auras. Green promotes healing on all levels, helps to dissipate emotional trauma, and clear mental blockages. It allows us to heal from heart based issues, whether emotional or physical. The color of growth and renewal, it can enhance personal development and insights in your life.
Is used for purification and dispelling negativity in many magical and traditional rituals.
May be used to release attachments, including emotional attachments, and has a gentle but strong grounding and centering energy. Halite enhances good will, elevates your moods, diminishes mood swings, and alleviates negativity. Halite dissolves old behavior patterns, negative thoughts and emotions. It draws out impurities and restores balance.
Heliodor (Yellow Beryl)
Connects the wisdom of the Higher Self with the Spirit. Teaches how to stop doing what isn’t needed, by filtering out distractions and unnecessary stimulation. Increases psychic perception, optimism, and happiness. Brings cosmic energy into the physical body through the crown chakra, to help the conscious mind retain information. Can be used as an amulet to protect against tempests and storms.
Strengthens the ability to connect with the earth, making one feel safe and secure. Imparts a feeling of courage, strength, endurance, and vitality. Stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and the intellect. Boosts self-esteem, enhances willpower, and imparts confidence. It is a very versatile and powerful healing stone, and a strong aid in overcoming compulsions and addictions.
Hematoid Quartz
Contains inclusions of Iron, which gives it beautiful yellow, orange, and coffee colored tones. Promotes emotional balance, removes fears, and facilitates psychic perception.
Alleviates depression and stress, brings clarity of thought and intention, and increases confidence and will power. Physically, it supports any problem or treatment involving the digestive system, and helps with weight loss and eating disorders.
Herkimer Diamonds
Are Quartz Crystals from Herkimer, New York, that can cleanse the subtle bodies, balance, and purify. Due to their exceptional clarity and brilliance, they resemble diamonds, and have similar energy. Also are known as the “crystals of dreams”, because they increase understanding and perception of dreams and astral journeys. Guard spiritual information, amplify positive thought forms, and clear and dissolve emotional blocks. Typically double terminated, when placed between two chakras they will allow energy to flow in both directions.
Facilitates the connection between the energies of the heart and mind, expanding one’s ability to cure and love. Permits clear diagnosis, helping to locate and remove blocks and obstacles to healing. Amplifies the healing energy of other green stones. Used in environments, it elevates vibrations, and dissolves negativity.
Honey Calcite
Gets it name from its beautiful, rich honey color. Is great for calming emotions, restoring balance, and providing relief during stressful situations. Has an energy similar to Citrine, and works in a deep, stabilizing way to help recognize the source of worries, and access simple, effective solutions.
Imperial Topaz
Brings thoughts and emotions into focus, and activates and balances the solar plexus. Strengthens the inner self, and increases the capacity of comprehension, will, clarity, concentration, and creativity. Is often used in cases of nervous trauma, exhaustion, and depression, alleviates the pain of rheumatism, acts against negative influences, and helps with weight loss.
Indigo Gabbro
Is composed of Feldspar, Quartz, and Igneous Rock, and can contain other minerals, including Chlorite, Muscovite, Serpentine and Magnetite. Deepens spiritual perception, and through its powerful energetic resonance is able to stimulate and help develop gifts and abilities. Has a very unique, mystical quality, that can be experienced by holding and gazing into the colors and designs on the stone, and opening one’s mind to intuitive realizations and inspiration.
Jade (Nephrite)
Facilitates emotional balance between masculine and feminine energies, for individuals as well as between two people. Is considered to be a sacred mineral, that brings cures and benefits to those who possess it. Creates a tranquil and calm understanding and ability to accept difficult aspects of life, which aren't possible to avoid. Physically, it activates curative energy on all levels, and is especially helpful in the treatment of problems with the kidneys.
Commonly used as a stone of protection, it also has some wonderful healing properties, including pain relief for headaches/migraines, and enhanced healing of traumatic injuries. Working almost like an energetic filter, is a wonderful grounding stone that has intense purification and protection properties, and has traditionally been used as a stone to alleviate grief. Also known as a stone of good luck, is great for someone who is starting a new job, or beginning a new business pursuit.
Expands the loving energy of the heart chakra to all of the other chakras, and manifests openness, security, strength, radiance, and universal love. Creates balance between the mind and body, so that internal, self love can be fully expressed. Often used to attract love, it is a powerful aid to meditation. Replaces negative thinking and worry with optimism and understanding.
Black Kyanite: grounds, creates an atmosphere of safety, security, and protection, supports dream work and hypnosis, and gives access to extra terrestrial dimensions.
Blue Kyanite: strengthens thyroid and parathyroid functioning and the immune system, gently stimulates the throat and third-eye chakras, and opens the mind to higher ideas and more optimistic thinking.
Green Kyanite: assists in knowing the truth in any situation, the secrets of the heart, and transferring spiritual insights into action. Facilitates lucid dreaming, astral travel and dream work, and contributes hope, support, and positive energy to help realize one’s true spiritual path, and how to follow it independently, free from the need for the approval of others.
Orange Kyanite: Comes from Tanzania, and can be used to clear, activate and balance the Second Chakra. Enhances pleasure and sensation, and renews one’s passion for life. Is an aid to creativity, which applies to many of aspects of life, and is said to never need cleaning or clearing. Can support in the treatment of anorexia, bulimia, addiction, sexual dysfunction, and depression, and to strengthen fertility.
Supports and strengthens enthusiasm, self-confidence, and inspiration. Brings increased understanding by enhancing clarity of thought, and one's ability to cooperate with others in harmony. Aides in perseverance, strength and enhanced intuition during challenging times and changes. Helps regulate metabolism and the digestive process, and fortifies the immune system.
Lapis Lazuli
Brings calm to the mind, and develops intuition and wisdom. Helps to increase mental abilities and sensitivity to subtle energy, and represents absolute light. Strengthens intuition and awareness, and reveals subtle nuances in non-verbal communication. Touches the core of the heart, of love, and beauty, to harmonize everything internal external. Physically, it helps improve concentration, memory, and vision, and has great curative and purifying properties.
Brings calm and peace to the mind and heart, and encourages positive thoughts. Facilitates communication of the most pure energy, compassion, and interior peace. Promotes happiness and well-being. Is very connected with dolphin energy, and pure, intuitive, and innocent intelligence. Gives the inner strength, ability, and clarity to easily and effectively deal with situations that involve extreme emotions, anger, envy, and jealously.
Laser & Tabular
Laser crystals have a thin, elongated form that gives highly focused and concentrated power. They are typically used like a laser beam for advanced work in crystal healing, personal and space clearing, and energy practices.
Tabular crystals have a rare form, that is flat with two large, parallel faces. They have a more long-range frequency action, and can erase interferences as well as concentrate and purify vibrations. They are often double terminated, and can be used to communicate with the higher self, for profound meditations, and as teachers.
Lemurian Seed Crystals
Recognized by parallel grooves that run along alternating sides, they are believed to contain spiritual information and wisdom from the ancient Lemurian Culture. Very supportive, positive, and life affirming, they enhance and encourage inner development and connectedness. Variations include:
Classic Pink Lemurians are excellent for activating the heart chakra and awareness of universal love, connectedness, and spiritual development.
Clear Lemurians bring guidance and clarity to one's spiritual path.
Golden Healer Lemurians: Powerfully energize and activate the crown and solar plexus chakras, which assists in obtaining a more conscious connection to Spirit.
Lemurian Dream: Typically contain phantoms ranging in color from creamy white to pale green, can integrate spiritual dreams and awareness into the realities of earthly life, and are excellent for all types of inner healing.
Smoky Lemurians provide easy emotional release and freedom from negative thoughts and energies.
Rutilated Lemurians are very rare, and contain concentrated and highly refined Lemurian power.
Brings balance to the heart and crown chakras, and harmonizes feelings of self esteem, acceptance, openness, honesty, and forgiveness. Helps in transitions, and facilitates restructuring, reorganizing, and releasing old and outdated attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs. Induces change when necessary, and stimulates acceptance of the new.
Reduces stress and tension, aids digestion, alleviates cramps, tendonitis, and muscle tension, and can locate areas in the physical body that have energetic blocks.
Lithium Quartz
Balances the heart and crown chakras, and harmonizes feelings of self esteem, acceptance, openness, honesty, and forgiveness. Reduces stress and tension, and can locate areas in the physical body that have energetic blocks. Brings an easy state of relaxation without diminishing one's energy level. Is beneficial when seeking more harmony in any relationship.
Has an extraordinary healing energy. Can help restore deep and full breathing, assist all digestive functions, absorb pain, and clear psycho-emotional causes of illness. Reveal emotions and fears connected with change and growth, and helps to recognize, remember, and use personal power. Is a perfect stone to work with for abundance, prosperity, and manifestation. Has a protective effect against EMF radiation, and accidents when traveling.
Is a tektite, created when a binary asteroid struck the surface of the earth approximately 14.9 million years ago. Helps to channel information and energy from universal and inter dimensional sources, and promotes balance between the physical body and the mind, alignment with the higher self, spiritual connections, evolutionary change, and regeneration. Assists one to eliminate beliefs that are limiting, and get in the way of receiving major spiritual perception. Has a unique energy that continually uplifts, supports, and expands human awareness.
Calms and balances the emotions, so that they can be integrated and internally unified. Guards the entry to one’s subconscious, and protects against unpleasant and unwanted feelings. Strengthens intuition and awareness, and reveals subtle nuances in non-verbal communication. Helps men to synchronize more with the feminine aspect of their nature. Physically, it stimulates the pineal gland to help with growth and development, and can be an aid to clearing the lymph from congestion.
Mookite Jasper
Found in Western Australia this type of Jasper is fabulous for quitting or changing any outdated desires or addictions. Nurtures and supports during times of upheaval and dramatic change, and has a fun, adventurous and playful energy that assists in replacing old habits. Is an effective grounding stone, and allows one to leave past hurts behind, and look to the future. Can reconcile exterior and interior beliefs, bringing a deeper understanding of where you have come from, and where you are going. Depending on its colors, will give added benefits to the associated chakras
Morganite (Pink Beryl)
Opens the heart chakra to receive and transmit unconditional love energy to multidimensional levels. Teaches the love of all, to comprehend the connection between the human and universal hearts. Strengthens the lungs and respiration, and promotes the flow of love energy through the entire body. Its use over the heart chakra gives the sensation of universal love and unity, and the understanding that each person is part of the whole. Is most powerful when the crystals have good transparency.
Called the Sorcerer's Stone, it comes from the fiery energies of ancient Earth. Black as midnight shadows on moonlit water, this talisman shimmers with mystical golden light, revealing what lies beneath illusions. A stone of personal magic that increases the frequency of synchronicity and luck, clairvoyance, and intuition, it assists those evolved enough to work with its intensity to journey deep into the personal psyche, offering a clear vision of one's true Self. With tremendous grounding ability, and attuned to the elemental forces of Earth, it is fiercely protective against negative energies, manipulations, and environmental pollutants.
Is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Facilitates spiritual advancement and progression. Promotes and enhances all types of energetic practices, including meditation, ritual, and healing work. Strengthens the circulatory system, lymph system, and intestines.
Fire Opal
Works with energies of flow and movement, represents the evolution of consciousness, and balances masculine and feminine polarities. Stimulates the strongest emotions and creativity. Is wonderful for people who tend to be passive, helping them to learn how to say no, and establish appropriate boundaries and limits.
Flower Agate
Is a recently discovered style of agate that contains opaque inclusions of Chalcedony that resemble flowers. Has a beautiful, translucent quality and a calm, peaceful energy that is very comforting and restorative. Is very effective at grounding and dissipating internal stress. Gazing into flower agate helps thoughts flow harmoniously, and increases awareness of the beauty of nature and appreciation of life on earth.
Rainbow Fluorite
Helps to ground excessive energy, particularly mental, emotional and nervous energy, and is a powerful healer, that affects all the chakras as well as mental attitudes. Is excellent for use in cleansing the aura. Exhibits 3 distinct color rays, violet, green and blue, and helps on three levels; spiritual, emotional, and mental. Whatever your issues are, it will help you to become mentally aware, and prepared to work through the processes necessary for complete healing.
Helps one to be firmly grounded and present in the physical body, and act with love and strength. Gives courage, and facilitates letting go of unhelpful mental attitudes and conditioning. Is excellent for treating all illnesses and conditions involving the blood.
Green Fluorite
Fluorite helps to ground excessive energy, particularly mental, emotional and nervous energy.A powerful healer, it affects all the chakras as well as mental attitudes, and is excellent to use in cleansing auras. Green promotes healing on all levels, helps to dissipate emotional trauma, and clear mental blockages. It allows us to heal from heart based issues, whether emotional or physical. The color of growth and renewal, it can enhance personal development and insights in your life.
Is used for purification and dispelling negativity in many magical and traditional rituals.
May be used to release attachments, including emotional attachments, and has a gentle but strong grounding and centering energy. Halite enhances good will, elevates your moods, diminishes mood swings, and alleviates negativity. Halite dissolves old behavior patterns, negative thoughts and emotions. It draws out impurities and restores balance.
Heliodor (Yellow Beryl)
Connects the wisdom of the Higher Self with the Spirit. Teaches how to stop doing what isn’t needed, by filtering out distractions and unnecessary stimulation. Increases psychic perception, optimism, and happiness. Brings cosmic energy into the physical body through the crown chakra, to help the conscious mind retain information. Can be used as an amulet to protect against tempests and storms.
Strengthens the ability to connect with the earth, making one feel safe and secure. Imparts a feeling of courage, strength, endurance, and vitality. Stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and the intellect. Boosts self-esteem, enhances willpower, and imparts confidence. It is a very versatile and powerful healing stone, and a strong aid in overcoming compulsions and addictions.
Hematoid Quartz
Contains inclusions of Iron, which gives it beautiful yellow, orange, and coffee colored tones. Promotes emotional balance, removes fears, and facilitates psychic perception.
Alleviates depression and stress, brings clarity of thought and intention, and increases confidence and will power. Physically, it supports any problem or treatment involving the digestive system, and helps with weight loss and eating disorders.
Herkimer Diamonds
Are Quartz Crystals from Herkimer, New York, that can cleanse the subtle bodies, balance, and purify. Due to their exceptional clarity and brilliance, they resemble diamonds, and have similar energy. Also are known as the “crystals of dreams”, because they increase understanding and perception of dreams and astral journeys. Guard spiritual information, amplify positive thought forms, and clear and dissolve emotional blocks. Typically double terminated, when placed between two chakras they will allow energy to flow in both directions.
Facilitates the connection between the energies of the heart and mind, expanding one’s ability to cure and love. Permits clear diagnosis, helping to locate and remove blocks and obstacles to healing. Amplifies the healing energy of other green stones. Used in environments, it elevates vibrations, and dissolves negativity.
Honey Calcite
Gets it name from its beautiful, rich honey color. Is great for calming emotions, restoring balance, and providing relief during stressful situations. Has an energy similar to Citrine, and works in a deep, stabilizing way to help recognize the source of worries, and access simple, effective solutions.
Imperial Topaz
Brings thoughts and emotions into focus, and activates and balances the solar plexus. Strengthens the inner self, and increases the capacity of comprehension, will, clarity, concentration, and creativity. Is often used in cases of nervous trauma, exhaustion, and depression, alleviates the pain of rheumatism, acts against negative influences, and helps with weight loss.
Indigo Gabbro
Is composed of Feldspar, Quartz, and Igneous Rock, and can contain other minerals, including Chlorite, Muscovite, Serpentine and Magnetite. Deepens spiritual perception, and through its powerful energetic resonance is able to stimulate and help develop gifts and abilities. Has a very unique, mystical quality, that can be experienced by holding and gazing into the colors and designs on the stone, and opening one’s mind to intuitive realizations and inspiration.
Jade (Nephrite)
Facilitates emotional balance between masculine and feminine energies, for individuals as well as between two people. Is considered to be a sacred mineral, that brings cures and benefits to those who possess it. Creates a tranquil and calm understanding and ability to accept difficult aspects of life, which aren't possible to avoid. Physically, it activates curative energy on all levels, and is especially helpful in the treatment of problems with the kidneys.
Commonly used as a stone of protection, it also has some wonderful healing properties, including pain relief for headaches/migraines, and enhanced healing of traumatic injuries. Working almost like an energetic filter, is a wonderful grounding stone that has intense purification and protection properties, and has traditionally been used as a stone to alleviate grief. Also known as a stone of good luck, is great for someone who is starting a new job, or beginning a new business pursuit.
Expands the loving energy of the heart chakra to all of the other chakras, and manifests openness, security, strength, radiance, and universal love. Creates balance between the mind and body, so that internal, self love can be fully expressed. Often used to attract love, it is a powerful aid to meditation. Replaces negative thinking and worry with optimism and understanding.
Black Kyanite: grounds, creates an atmosphere of safety, security, and protection, supports dream work and hypnosis, and gives access to extra terrestrial dimensions.
Blue Kyanite: strengthens thyroid and parathyroid functioning and the immune system, gently stimulates the throat and third-eye chakras, and opens the mind to higher ideas and more optimistic thinking.
Green Kyanite: assists in knowing the truth in any situation, the secrets of the heart, and transferring spiritual insights into action. Facilitates lucid dreaming, astral travel and dream work, and contributes hope, support, and positive energy to help realize one’s true spiritual path, and how to follow it independently, free from the need for the approval of others.
Orange Kyanite: Comes from Tanzania, and can be used to clear, activate and balance the Second Chakra. Enhances pleasure and sensation, and renews one’s passion for life. Is an aid to creativity, which applies to many of aspects of life, and is said to never need cleaning or clearing. Can support in the treatment of anorexia, bulimia, addiction, sexual dysfunction, and depression, and to strengthen fertility.
Supports and strengthens enthusiasm, self-confidence, and inspiration. Brings increased understanding by enhancing clarity of thought, and one's ability to cooperate with others in harmony. Aides in perseverance, strength and enhanced intuition during challenging times and changes. Helps regulate metabolism and the digestive process, and fortifies the immune system.
Lapis Lazuli
Brings calm to the mind, and develops intuition and wisdom. Helps to increase mental abilities and sensitivity to subtle energy, and represents absolute light. Strengthens intuition and awareness, and reveals subtle nuances in non-verbal communication. Touches the core of the heart, of love, and beauty, to harmonize everything internal external. Physically, it helps improve concentration, memory, and vision, and has great curative and purifying properties.
Brings calm and peace to the mind and heart, and encourages positive thoughts. Facilitates communication of the most pure energy, compassion, and interior peace. Promotes happiness and well-being. Is very connected with dolphin energy, and pure, intuitive, and innocent intelligence. Gives the inner strength, ability, and clarity to easily and effectively deal with situations that involve extreme emotions, anger, envy, and jealously.
Laser & Tabular
Laser crystals have a thin, elongated form that gives highly focused and concentrated power. They are typically used like a laser beam for advanced work in crystal healing, personal and space clearing, and energy practices.
Tabular crystals have a rare form, that is flat with two large, parallel faces. They have a more long-range frequency action, and can erase interferences as well as concentrate and purify vibrations. They are often double terminated, and can be used to communicate with the higher self, for profound meditations, and as teachers.
Lemurian Seed Crystals
Recognized by parallel grooves that run along alternating sides, they are believed to contain spiritual information and wisdom from the ancient Lemurian Culture. Very supportive, positive, and life affirming, they enhance and encourage inner development and connectedness. Variations include:
Classic Pink Lemurians are excellent for activating the heart chakra and awareness of universal love, connectedness, and spiritual development.
Clear Lemurians bring guidance and clarity to one's spiritual path.
Golden Healer Lemurians: Powerfully energize and activate the crown and solar plexus chakras, which assists in obtaining a more conscious connection to Spirit.
Lemurian Dream: Typically contain phantoms ranging in color from creamy white to pale green, can integrate spiritual dreams and awareness into the realities of earthly life, and are excellent for all types of inner healing.
Smoky Lemurians provide easy emotional release and freedom from negative thoughts and energies.
Rutilated Lemurians are very rare, and contain concentrated and highly refined Lemurian power.
Brings balance to the heart and crown chakras, and harmonizes feelings of self esteem, acceptance, openness, honesty, and forgiveness. Helps in transitions, and facilitates restructuring, reorganizing, and releasing old and outdated attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs. Induces change when necessary, and stimulates acceptance of the new.
Reduces stress and tension, aids digestion, alleviates cramps, tendonitis, and muscle tension, and can locate areas in the physical body that have energetic blocks.
Lithium Quartz
Balances the heart and crown chakras, and harmonizes feelings of self esteem, acceptance, openness, honesty, and forgiveness. Reduces stress and tension, and can locate areas in the physical body that have energetic blocks. Brings an easy state of relaxation without diminishing one's energy level. Is beneficial when seeking more harmony in any relationship.
Has an extraordinary healing energy. Can help restore deep and full breathing, assist all digestive functions, absorb pain, and clear psycho-emotional causes of illness. Reveal emotions and fears connected with change and growth, and helps to recognize, remember, and use personal power. Is a perfect stone to work with for abundance, prosperity, and manifestation. Has a protective effect against EMF radiation, and accidents when traveling.
Is a tektite, created when a binary asteroid struck the surface of the earth approximately 14.9 million years ago. Helps to channel information and energy from universal and inter dimensional sources, and promotes balance between the physical body and the mind, alignment with the higher self, spiritual connections, evolutionary change, and regeneration. Assists one to eliminate beliefs that are limiting, and get in the way of receiving major spiritual perception. Has a unique energy that continually uplifts, supports, and expands human awareness.
Calms and balances the emotions, so that they can be integrated and internally unified. Guards the entry to one’s subconscious, and protects against unpleasant and unwanted feelings. Strengthens intuition and awareness, and reveals subtle nuances in non-verbal communication. Helps men to synchronize more with the feminine aspect of their nature. Physically, it stimulates the pineal gland to help with growth and development, and can be an aid to clearing the lymph from congestion.
Mookite Jasper
Found in Western Australia this type of Jasper is fabulous for quitting or changing any outdated desires or addictions. Nurtures and supports during times of upheaval and dramatic change, and has a fun, adventurous and playful energy that assists in replacing old habits. Is an effective grounding stone, and allows one to leave past hurts behind, and look to the future. Can reconcile exterior and interior beliefs, bringing a deeper understanding of where you have come from, and where you are going. Depending on its colors, will give added benefits to the associated chakras
Morganite (Pink Beryl)
Opens the heart chakra to receive and transmit unconditional love energy to multidimensional levels. Teaches the love of all, to comprehend the connection between the human and universal hearts. Strengthens the lungs and respiration, and promotes the flow of love energy through the entire body. Its use over the heart chakra gives the sensation of universal love and unity, and the understanding that each person is part of the whole. Is most powerful when the crystals have good transparency.
Called the Sorcerer's Stone, it comes from the fiery energies of ancient Earth. Black as midnight shadows on moonlit water, this talisman shimmers with mystical golden light, revealing what lies beneath illusions. A stone of personal magic that increases the frequency of synchronicity and luck, clairvoyance, and intuition, it assists those evolved enough to work with its intensity to journey deep into the personal psyche, offering a clear vision of one's true Self. With tremendous grounding ability, and attuned to the elemental forces of Earth, it is fiercely protective against negative energies, manipulations, and environmental pollutants.